JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — March 8, 2023 — Jax Federal Credit Union is pleased to announce that it is changing its name and brand to RadiFi Credit Union, effective March 29, 2023. The brand announcement began this week with a letter to members unveiling the new name and logo and will continue with a public implementation through the spring and summer.
The new brand, RadiFi, embodies the relationship between the credit union, its members, and the community it serves, as well as its mission to empower, guide and support people throughout their lives. The new brand tagline — “Make Waves” — signals the organization’s innovative approach to financial services and creating impactful changes in the lives of the credit union’s members, as well as the community at large. The color palette is bright and contemporary, reflecting the bold, energetic, and future-forward direction of the credit union’s growth strategy.
This rebrand is the first in the credit union’s history. Founded in 1935, Jax Federal Credit Union has served Northeast Florida for 88 years. The nonprofit financial institution has more than 42,000 members and seven branch locations in Northeast Florida. Membership is open to anyone who lives, learns, works, or worships in Duval, Clay, St. Johns, Baker and Nassau Counties.
“We are a forward-looking institution built on a foundation of trust and excellence in the financial services industry,” said John Servos, President and CEO of Jax Federal Credit Union. “The RadiFi brand speaks to the innovative evolution and dynamic growth of our organization, our community in Northeast Florida, and most importantly, our mission to empower our members to live vibrantly through our care and guidance.”
Jax Federal Credit Union partnered with the Seattle-based Strum Agency in creating the organization’s new name and brand. The collaboration began over two years ago. During the multi-year brand development process, the credit union worked with Strum to conduct research and gather insights from their Board of Directors, associates, members and the community.
“As the financial services sector is always evolving, we remain committed to providing our membership with the best experience and technology to meet their ever-changing needs,” said Charles McLeod, Chairman of the Jax Federal Credit Union Board of Directors. “The RadiFi brand signals a vibrant new chapter for our credit union, as we continue to expand our services to meet the needs of our community.”
About Jax Federal Credit Union
Established in 1935, Jax Federal Credit Union serves over 42,000 members across Duval, Clay, St. Johns, Baker, and Nassau Counties. Jax Federal Credit Union helps its members meet their financial needs through seven branch locations; a robust mobile and internet banking platform; and access to over 6,800 Shared Branching locations and nearly 30,000 surcharge-free ATMs nationwide. For more information, visit jaxfcu.org, soon to be radificu.org.
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