SRP Federal Credit Union is excited to announce its Affinity School Debit Card Program recently reached over one million dollars donated to local high schools!
The Affinity School Debit Card Program began in 2018 to assist participating area high schools with funding. Each participating high school designs its own card, and every time the card is used, the school receives a donation. The schools are free to use the funds any way they wish, and they receive payments quarterly. These payments have been useful in the counties we serve, where funding has been used for various needs like computers, team uniforms, teacher certifications, incentives for students to improve their grades, and more.
SRP FCU members enjoy being able to show their school pride every time they use their Affinity High School Debit Card since the designs usually reflect the school mascots. Their real satisfaction is knowing they are giving actual financial support with every purchase they make. It is an easy way for them to give back.
There are currently thirty schools in SRP’s service area taking advantage of the Affinity Debit Card Program, and SRP actively works with each school not only regarding the program, but by going into the schools and offering webinars on financial literacy. As a local credit union, we follow the credit union philosophy of “People Helping People.” At SRP, it is our desire to not only help schools receive funding, but to give students the opportunity to learn about financial matters to which they may not have otherwise been exposed.
SRP Federal Credit Union celebrates the Good Things that are Happening with the High School Affinity Debit Card Program, and we look forward to seeing it grow and continue to help our students and schools for many years to come.
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