Atlanta Postal Credit Uion shares how they keep innovating in challenging environments Atlanta Postal Credit Uion shares how they keep innovating in challenging environments

In mid-March of this year — when businesses across the country were closing their doors to comply with state-mandated lockdowns aimed at preventing the spread of COVID-19 — Atlanta Postal Credit Union ($2.4B, Atlanta, GA) was executing an ambitious plan to launch a new division and expand into new markets.

A year in the making, Atlanta Postal’s roll out of Center Parc Credit Union involved working with Walmart to open two new branches; with the city of Savannah, GA, to create a four-acre community garden; and with Georgia State University for naming rights to its stadium. The looming pandemic forced the credit union to consider developing an exit strategy in tandem with the opening of the new cooperative, but Chris Maume, vice president of business intelligence and innovation at Atlanta Postal, resisted the move.

Read more: The New Rules For Credit Union Innovation In 2020 | Credit Unions

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