Georgia United’s Kimberly Schoates has received the opportunity to attend the Credit Union National Association’s Governmental Affairs Conference in a special way.
Schoates, who works as director of e-payments at Georgia United, has been selected by CUNA and The Cooperative Trust to participate in Crash the GAC 2018. Crash the GAC is a career-enhancement program for young credit union professionals that allows them to experience the conference in a dynamic way, complete with networking opportunities and mentoring sessions with industry leaders. She’ll be one of 78 young professionals to receive a complimentary registration fee to attend the conference.
“The Crashers program is great for young credit union professionals, for GAC and for the entire movement,” said CUNA CEO and President Jim Nussle. “The Crashers get to network and participate in the premier event of the credit union industry. The GAC benefits from their enthusiasm and fresh perspectives. And the movement invigorated by a new generation of fired-up advocates who have learned how to reach out to legislators to effect change.”
CUNA was able to offer this opportunity to 26 more credit union professionals this year because of donations from credit unions around the country.
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